
Silcom North UAB is a LTD company registered in Vilnius in January 2017, deals mainly with machinery sales, assitence and spare parts. One founders is Silcom SRL, an Italian company in business from 1968, located in Venice, which mainly deals with equipment. This is our story, our experience, our expertise.

1968 - The beginning

In 1968, Mr. Emilio Silvestri establishes “Casa dell’attrezzo” (House of tool) in via Torre Belfredo in Mestre Venice, a small hardware store

1968 - The beginning photo

1975 - The rapid growth

During 1975 the “Casa dell’attrezzo” has already become a benchmark for all auto-workshops of the province, so it's time to move to a bigger location. It is chosen a 300sqm shop in a modern and brand-new building, in Rampa Cavalcavia, always in Mestre Venice

1975 - The rapid growth photo

1989 - Market evolutions

Growth needs a new Headquarters, designed specifically for the new needs. It equipped with a warehouse of 1.000 square meters, located in the Venice Industrial zone. Also changes name, becoming SILCOM SRL, customers in the industrial sector increased, becoming predominant by 2000

1989 - Market evolutions photo

2011 - Innovation in Tradition

In 2011, it begins a general restructuring of the Headquarters, and a photovoltaic system is installed on the roof of the building, with a 100kWp power. The list of products also continued to grow, expanding to the renewable energy sector and an increasingly strong presence in the Aerospace industry

2011 - Innovation in Tradition photo

December 2016

Opening first Foreign Branch in Lithuania

During the December 2016 we finished off a year of work, and decided to open our first office dedicated to exports and the development of nordic markets, and we chose to open in Lithuania, in the heart of Vilnius

December 2016 photo

September 2023

Opening United States Office

During the September 2023 we opend a branch in New York, to serve North America customers

September 2023 photo

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