Publicado: January 13th at 4:22pm //

Water construction work will continue off the Hanhikivi Nuclear Plant

South of the peninsula, dredging in the area of pier and backup cooling water intake channel will continue. Also, construction of the temporary road extending partly to the port basin will take place.

The dredging and excavation will be performed both on the mainland and the sea. Excavation work for the construction of cooling water discharge structures will be mostly performed inside the temporary dams, on the mainland.

The dredging and excavation will cause local noise disturbance, as well as turbidity of the water in the working areas and in their immediate vicinity. The noise and the turbidity of the water will be monitored with continuously operating meters. Fishing in the construction areas and in their immediate vicinity will not be possible during the construction work.

Work plans and risk assessments have been prepared by paying special attention to mitigation of the harm caused by the turbidity and noise to the comfort of people in the area. Spreading of the turbidity in the water to the north of the Hanhikivi peninsula will be limited with a silt curtain. According to the work plan, blasting will only be performed between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.



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